This application allows users to easily make transfers to their buddies : - No lag in transfer time, - no complex bank details of the beneficiary to register !
User can register, and login with his email address. Once connected, a user has to fill in his personal and bank details. He also need to fund his buddy account. Aflter that, he can add to his list of buddies another user of the application in looking for his email. Then, the user can make a transfer of money to this buddy. Each user can consult his list of buddies and his list of transfers already made.
Au travers du développement d'une application de gestion d'entités financières, ce projet OpenClassRooms est orienté "sécurité". En effet, il est demandé , en plus de l'implémentation des méthodes CRUD pour les entités financières :
1-d'implémenter l'authentification et la gestion des rôles utilisateurs,
2-de gérer les logs,
3-de valider les saisies,
4-et bien entendu de tester correctement l'application développée.